About Me

Looking for a new job or opportunity? Check out CVMaxx. It is a great way to provide new opportunities that fit your skills and experience.

CVMaxx is an app that offers ready-made templates for users to fill in their information. CVMaxx is user friendly and effective, making it a great tool for job seekers. The templates are easy to use and can be customized to fit each user's needs. CVMaxx is a great way to create a professional resume quickly and easily.


Gold Membership

USD 73.00

/30 days

3-day trial period / 2.00 USD

Drag-and-drop system

Automatic responsiveness

Professionally designed templates

Discounted Membership

Silver Membership

USD 59.00

/14 days

3-day trial period / 2.00 USD

Drag-and-drop system

Automatic responsiveness

Professionally designed templates

Silver Membership + Ebooks

USD 59.00

/14 days

3-day trial period / 9.99 USD

Drag-and-drop system

Automatic responsiveness

Professionally designed templates

Get 20 ebooks after signing up

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